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Retirement Community Living

Co-op Village NORC

Educational Alliance's Co-op Village Naturally Occurring Retirement Community (NORC) is a social service program for adults over 60 residing in the … Source: Google

Garden Committee Grows Orchard of Unique Fruits

One resident of Stoneridge Creek retirement community in Pleasanton is growing his neighbors' interest in rare fruits. Cornelius Grové is a member of … Source: Google

Raymond celebrates 10 years

Raymond celebrated her 10th anniversary of being the executive manager at Lake Prince Woods retirement community on Sept. 1. “These 10 years … Source: Google

Grilling Stafford releases a new segment

In 2013 Navasota was named a Go Texan Certified Retirement Community by the Texas Department of Agriculture. What is being done to encourage … Source: Google

Movies with Mary: All together now

She also spends time teaching Korean women to learn English and works at the local retirement community on weekends, giving care and attention to … Source:…

Ann Elisabeth Fleury

In 2014 they moved to the Maris Grove Retirement Community in Glen Mills, Pa., close to Wilmington, Del., where her daughter Ruth Fleury-Steiner … Source: Google

Scott Edwards Architecture

She is working on Rose Villa senior living retirement community in Portland and the new Wilsonville Public Works. Corah has a bachelor of … Source: Google